Gratitude Boards 101

I am a HUGE believer in the power of Vision Boards.  I believe that when we have a clear picture of what we want to attract or create in our lives, those desires manifest more easily and effortlessly.
I actually have several vision boards.  What started out as a small paper vision board has evolved into one huge poster sized vision board…and then I created two more. (Hey, a girl can never dream too big, right?)  I post my vision boards in the exercise area of my house–a place where I can look at them regularly.  Every morning, I wake up and “run” towards the life of my dreams–completely oblivious to the dreamy life I already have.
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This morning, I realized that something REALLY BIG is missing from my practice.  In order to attract and create the life I most desire, I must FIRST bring my energy to a higher vibration.  How?  Gratitude.
Oh, don’t worry…I already practice gratitude daily.  I THINK of at least one thing I am grateful for before I get out of bed in the morning and again before I go to sleep at night.   I also WRITE in a gratitude journal, which I keep next to my bed.  My gratitude journal is where I document the events and experiences during that day that I am truly grateful for.  My gratitude journal sits shut on my night stand most of the time–except for the rare  occasion when I read and reflect on the many joys in my life.
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Today, I was inspired to create somehthing I will SEE...a visual reminder of the many blessings already present in my life. A Gratitude Board, if you will.  Images are so powerful.  One picture can trigger a flood of emotions.  My intention for creating a Gratitude Board is to easily spark a flame of intense love and appreciation.  When we are in a space of love, we can more easily give this love to others, thus opening a space to attract more into our lives.
I spent an hour looking through my Dropbox and Shutterfly albums printing pictures that stimulate a deep sense of joy and gratitude when I look at them.
I printed images representative of:
1.  My basic needs–shelter, transportation, food, rest.
2.  My loving relationships–including family, friends.
3.  The beauty of nature that surrounds me both plants and animals.
4.  My successes–my job and creative accomplishments.
5. My experiences–both everyday moments like making a fort under the kitchen table and more exotic experiences such as rafting down a waterfall.
After all the pictures were printed, I arranged them into a collage on a piece of poster board. The activity brought me happy tears on more than one occasion as I remembered and felt those memories.  Looking at those pictures made it so easy for me to feel appreciation for all of the blessings in my life.
Gratitude Board


My Gratitude Board is now posted in a place where I will see it first thing (and frequently) everyday.  My plan is to take a few minutes to let myself acknowledge and feel gratitude for everything I have…my health, family, friends, pets, my job, shelter, transportation, my community, food, my successes and many experiences of joy and adventure. My hope is that this practice will expand my heart and increase my energetic frequency to help create a space in my life for my love, more relationships, more experiences, and more of all of the things on my Gratitude Board.
I invite you to create your own Gratitude Board.  I’d love to see your finished product and hear how your Gratitude Board has supplemented your Vision Board and current gratitude practices!